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< prev - next > Food processing Dairy KnO 100325_Soured Milk and Yoghurt (Printable PDF)
Soured milk and yoghurt
Practical Action
Dairy Processing Practical Action Technical Brief
Basic Rules of Hygiene, Sanitation and Safety in Food Processing Practical Action
Technical Brief
Pasteurised Milk Practical Action Technical Brief
Butter and Ghee, Practical Action Technical Brief.
Cheese making, Practical Action Technical Brief.
Further reading
Appropriate Food Packaging: Materials and methods for small businesses Fellows, P.,
Axtell, B., Practical Action Publishing, 1993.
Traditional Foods: Processing for profit Fellows, P.J., (Ed.), Practical Action
Publishing, 1997.
Dairy Processing UNIFEM Practical Action Publishing, 1996.
Dairy Processing Handbook, Alfa Laval/Tetra Pak Processing Systems, S-221 86,
Lund, Sweden, 1995.
Dairy Science and Technology Education, Goff, D., University of Guelph, Canada,
Dairy Science and Technology: Principles and Applications, La Fondation de
Technologie Laitiere et Department de Science et Technologie des Aliments
Universite Laval. Les Presses de l'Universite Laval, Quebec. 1985.
Dairy Technology. Walstra, P., Geurts, T.J., Noomen, A., Jellema, A. and van Boekel,
M.A., Marcel Dekker. New York., 1998.
FAO Information also at or and search ‘dairy processing book’ for a list of publications that can be
How to Clean. Dillon, M and Griffith, C., M.D. Associates, Cleethorpes Enterprise
Centre, Unit 43, Jackson Place, Humberston, Grimsby, South Humberside DN 36
4AS UK. 1999.
Preparation of Dairy Products, Agrodok 36, Agromisa Foundation, P.O. Box 41, 6700
AA Wageningen, The Netherlands 1991.
Rural Dairy Technology, O'Connor, C.B., ILRI Training Manual 1. International
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya. 1995.
Small Scale Food Processing a directory of equipment and methods, 2nd Edition,
Azam-Ali, S., Judge, E., Fellows, P., and Battcock, M., Practical Action Publishing,
UK. 2003.
Strategies for market orientation of small scale milk producers and their organizations,
Proceedings of a FAO Workshop, L.R. Kurwijila, J. Henriksen, A.O.O. Aboud and G.C.
Kifaro (Eds.), Sokoine University of Agriculture, FAO Rome. 1995.
The Food Hygiene Handbook, Sprenger, R.A., Highfield Publications. Doncaster DN5
7LY, UK, 2002.
Tools for Agriculture: A Guide to Appropriate Equipment for Smallholder Farmers,
Practical Action Publishing, CTA & GRET, 1992
Village Milk Processing, Animal Production and Health, Lambert, J.C., Paper no. 69,
FAO, Rome. 1988.
The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries, Technical Bulletin
#85, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1990
Support organisations
Agromisa, Agromisa Foundation, P.O. Box 41, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Cathy Rich Memorial Food Processing Centre, Yodagama, Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka. Tel:
+94 47 30248, Fax: +94 77 324162, E-mail: The training
centre was a subsidiary of Practical Action South Asia until 1997. It is now an
independent NGO that works closely with Practical Action South Asia.
Centre for Dairy Research, Madison, WI.
Dairy & Meat Officer (Institutional Support & Training), Animal Production & Health
Division, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy. Website: